Holy Ghost prep school wedding

Holy Ghost Prep Chapel Wedding in Bensalem, PA: Bucks County Wedding Photographer

This year I was asked to photograph James and Tara’s wedding at Holy Ghost Prep School in Bucks County, PA. It was a perfect, intimate wedding ceremony full of their closest friends and family. Tara had sent me images that inspired her and we were hoping to take portraits outside on the grounds of the school which has beautiful, old stone buildings, along with shots in her family’s old vintage car for classic style shots.

What actually happened? We had DOWNPOUR like I’ve never seen before all day long! If rain is good luck on your wedding day, James and Tara will have the most wonderfully blessed marriage of all time.

But they didn’t care as they were just so thrilled to be marrying each other. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house during their ceremony—-their wedding was so perfectly sweet.

Thank you James and Tara for having me there to document your wonderful day!

To learn more about booking an elopement or wedding with Desiree Hoelzle Photography please visit the wedding page.